Tuesday 14 June 2016

Day 12 - 14

Day 12.

I left Port Townsend just before 9 and got to Quilcene just before 12. I had done about 40km's and I was feeling great energy wise but very wet and cold, It had been raining for about 2 hours. I had a lunch at "101 Brewery Cafe". I took my time after lunch trying to warm up about 1.30 headed off, I had Mt Walker in front of me for about 8 miles after that rolling hills. On the climb up the rain started again, and the down hill I was seriously cold and wet. The first 50 km's my energy levels were great the last 25 went downhill I got to "Mike Beach Resort" just before 6 exhausted, the last 10 km's I was stopping for a break almost every km.

Still not happy with my fitness levels but on the upside 2 weeks ago, I would not have been able to make 76 km's, so its definitely getting better however slowly.

The accommodation was basic but best of all it had a 'Braai'. I had. Braai couple of glasses of wine and went to bed exhausted.
Mikes  beach Resort

Day 13

I left at about 10, but my energy levels were really low  by about 1.30 I had got to Potlatch a meagre  27km's, I had to stop there or do another 20 odd km's which I didn't feel up for. So I stopped early, and took the afternoon to do my laundry

The last 50 km's have had almost no shoulder with huge drop offs plus busy roads which has made the cycling not very pleasant. I would cycle for a couple of km's then stop to take a break from the traffic and therefore never got into the routine of cycling, from here I was heading inland from the Strait of Georgia to the Pacific Coast.

Day 14

From Potlatch, I either had to cycle 30 km's to Kamilche or 70 km's to Montesano, the hotel at Elma which was in between was full. Considering how I felt after day 12, I opted for the shorter option. The roads on this section were much better with a shoulder of typically More than 3 feet. The cycling went hugely better, I could feel my fitness was much better and could cycle for 45 minute sessions with relative ease, the next day I had planned to do just more than 45 km's but I need to shortly start increasing the distance.

In Kamilche I stayed at the Little creek casino, the room was cheap and way nicer than I was used to staying in. I got to the hotel at just before 12, but annoyingly had to wait 3 hours for my room to be ready. I decided they owed me so went to the casino to try my luck, not that I gamble often but when I do I always play roulette numbers 13, 28 and their neighbours. The first spin was 28 the next 13, within thirty minutes I had made 300 dollars they changed the croupier, I decided it was time to cash in while I was up. I had waited 3 hours for my room 100 dollars and hour I reckoned they had paid up in full.

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